Monday 16 January 2012


The ideologies which I have attached to this advert are Style, strength ECT.
My advert has a dark background so that the item stands out. I also have icons of things people mostly use phones for. Like face book, msn, games and twitter. This lets the people know what the phone has to offer to the buyers who will buy this phone.
The needs I have addressed in my advert are: creativity
Respect by others
I would say that these needs are the ones that fit in with this product.
The persuasive techniques I have used in this advert are desire, anchorage. This advert makes people have a desire to get this phone. The anchorage text makes people know what this phone is like why to pick this phone.
For my advert has been constructed for male audiences. The dark colours and the male hand show this. The black colour and background targets males because boys often like dark colours.

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